

Tax Investment Benefits In Axis Dynamic Equity Fund

Generating capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of equity or equity-linked securities while the secondary goal is to generate income by investing in debt and money market instruments. It aims to manage risk by actively allocating assets. However, there…


Anti Dandruff Shampoo Should Be Used Carefully

Seborrheic dermatitis is an aggravated skin condition when the skin of the scalp becomes red, scaly, and itching also increases. This is an enhanced stage of dandruff that should be treated immediately. Dandruff if not taken care of spreads to…

Business Technology

Advancements On The Way: Both For The User And The Seller

Technology has shifted every trend in the market and all set to make almost everything possible. The technological sector is whole at its peak and paving its way for the new developments and improvements every day in this sector. The…