
4 Tips for Showing Your Teen the Makeup Basics

If you’ve caught your daughter staring at you while applying makeup or even trying on your lipstick, then it’s likely it’s time to show her the makeup basics. As a teenager, she’s become curious, and her friends might already be wearing it. But exactly how do you show her cosmetics techniques in a way that is age-appropriate? The guide below will answer this question!

Tip #1: Talk with Them

If your teen has shown an interest in makeup, then it’s time to have a conversation about it. Now is the moment to sit with them and initiate a healthy conversation. This dialogue will assist you in knowing what questions they have, such as how to save money on makeup, and how they can take advantage of promos like a Sephora discount code.

Tip #2: Decide Whether You Want To Allow Her Or Not?

This one is less about your teen and more about you. Ask yourself, are you happy to allow her to wear makeup? Or, do you have anxiety about it? If you have any discomfort at all, let your child know in a friendly way. Tell them why you are not open to permitting them to wear makeup and if there will be a time soon when it’s better for you both.

For example, perhaps you feel they are too young, and you want to hold off showing her makeup for another year or two. Makeup artist Bobbi Brown has said that 13 is the ideal age to start wearing makeup in small amounts.

Tip #3: Help Her Identify Makeup Products to Use

Once she has your permission, it’s time to go shopping with your teen. Do your research and recognize which products are suitable for the delicate young skin of your child. You can also easily sit down together at the computer and get quality items online. There are deals on websites that aren’t always available in-store, and a discount code might catch your eye.

While she’s likely eager to buy a lot of things, help her by identify colors that suit her skin tone, whether it’s for lipstick, eyeshadow, or another type of item.

Tip #4: Don’t Overspend

As stated earlier, your kid will likely want to buy everything in the store, especially if they haven’t had a job before and don’t understand the value of money. But while teaching your kids about makeup color is important, so is educating them on how to spend less, even on eco-friendly products. Advise them that savings and beauty go hand in hand. Look for discounts or deals online or offline.

Final Thoughts: Tips For Teens

As a parent, you’re a role model and will have to guide them through many areas of life. For a teen who is curious about makeup, you can show them the essentials. If they have skin that is prone to breakouts, then look for specialty cosmetics that will help rather than hinder their complexion. Finally, try the tips above to introduce your teenager to the beauty world.



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