
Best Tips for Your Child’s Proper Hygiene

Children are at risk for developing an infection. Their weak immune system makes them susceptible to catching diseases.

As part of disease prevention and infection control, proper hygiene is highly advised.  Observing standard protocols in proper hygiene helps prevent infection and kill bacteria.

How to Stop Infection?

Stopping infection is quite simple. All you need to do is know how to cut the chain of infection.

This chain of infection include:

  • Mode of Transmission
  • Portal of Entry
  • Susceptible Host
  • Infectious Agent
  • Reservoir
  • Portal of Exit

By preventing any of these stages, you will stop the spread of infection.

Breaking the Chain

Mode of Transmission

The body gets infected once harmful microorganisms are able to get inside. These organisms are called pathogens. Pathogens enter the body using various means. This comprises the different modes of transmission.

Direct Contact

This happens once an infected individual touches directly a susceptible host. Once the infectious substances go into your skin, mucous membrane, cuts, or tears, you will have a chance of getting infected.

In order to prevent this, constant hand washing or using a barrier method when handling infectious substances is advisable.

Indirect Contact

Indirect contact mode of transmission is the transfer of pathogens from an infected person that sticks to inanimate objects.

For instance, if you sit on a chair where an infected person has sat down, you’ll have a chance of getting infected.

The surface of the chair which harbors the infectious substances of an infected individual is a potential source of getting the infection.

Hence, proper sanitation of commonly-used materials like tables and chairs is important.

Droplet Transmission

Droplet transmission is common in respiratory diseases.  When exposed to a person having a cough, it’s important to cover your nose and mouth.

Always wear face mask when you have the potential of getting exposed.  important to teach someone to cover their nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing. Maintaining a distance of at least 3ft is also a good way to prevent droplet transmission.

Airborne Transmission

Airborne transmission is almost the same as droplet transmission.  However, the particles here stay in the air for a much longer time. The best preventive measure in airborne transmission is using the N-95 mask.

This mask has the capacity to block the tiny particles that are suspended in the air. If you have none, try staying away for more than 3ft. This is sufficient enough to keep you away from pathogens.

Preventive Measures

Now that you know the process of spreading infection, the next step is all about prevention.  Keeping your child from being sick is a priority. This is where proper hygiene takes its place.

Proper hygiene is focused on these simple steps:

  • Hand Washing
  • Daily Bath
  • Brushing Teeth
  • Grooming
  • Clean Environment

Hand Washing

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that constant hand washing minimizes the risk of spreading infection.

There are 8 ways of proper hand washing:

  1. Wet your hands and apply soap.
  2. Rub your palms thoroughly together.
  3. Rub the back part of your hands.
  4. Cup your hands with fingers facing opposite sides. Rub them together.
  5. Clean each thumb using the opposite hand. Do it on the other hand.
  6. Rub your wrists using the opposite hand in a circular motion. Repeat on the other hand.

By simply following these steps, you will prevent spreading infection into your child. It’s also important to use hand sanitizer wherever you go. By doing so, you’ll have a portable means of disinfecting your hands.

Daily Bath

Taking a bath every day is essential to get rid of your body’s toxins in the form of sweat. It’s responsible for that bad body odor.

Not only that, but you need to know that your skin gets rid of its dead cells which might harbor bacteria. A daily bath gets rid of the dirt on your skin and prevents bacterial growth.

Brushing Teeth

Brushing your teeth every after meals is important to prevent bacterial growth in your mouth.  As funny as it sounds, you need to understand that your mouth harbors billions of bacteria.

Constant brushing of teeth not only makes them clean but also prevents tooth decay. You need to emphasize to your child that brushing is needed to avoid having those black things sticking on the teeth.


Grooming constitutes cutting of the hair, making nails short, and wearing clean clothes. The hair can harbor microorganisms that are dangerous to your child.

Having long nails can also harbor microorganisms. Even though your child is able to perform hand washing, it doesn’t exempt the fact that microorganisms are left in the nails.

Clean Environment

Have a clean environment to stop the spread of infection. This includes organizing and sanitizing your things.

Place harmful substances out of reach from your child. Ingesting chemicals is a common problem with children. For instance, put your perfume inside a box. If you have none, check on for various designs.


Your child needs the best protection against harmful microorganisms. Infection can be easily spread. Knowing the chain of transmission is very important. By applying the ways on how to stop the spread of infection, your risks of getting infected become lesser.

Make sure to follow the steps of basic hand hygiene. Constant hand washing will drastically decrease the spread of infection.

Proper coughing and sneezing etiquette must be followed at all times. Many bacteria and viruses are easily transmitted through a droplet and airborne transmission.

Hence, it’s important to always wear face mask for yourself and your child. Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands before touching others. Always be mindful in observing proper hygiene and sanitation.