
Fistula Laser Surgery Cost In Delhi

What Is Fistula

Fistula is a serious disease that develops between the end of the bowel and skin near the anus. Fistula is common in the people who had anal abscess earlier. An anal abscess is a painful condition where collection pus develops in the anal region. Fistula is formed when anal abscess drained but did not heal completely. This disease causes pain, bleeding, and discharge of pus. It also causes extreme discomfort during bowel movements. When the fistula becomes severe, the drainage may persist for a long period of time. People suffering from trauma, tuberculosis, anorectal cancer, HIV, diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases are prone to develop fistula.

If you notice any symptoms of fistula, you should consult a doctor immediately. Fistula does not heal on its own. However, it can be prevented with dietary and lifestyle changes. Surgery is considered as the most common treatment of fistula.

Fistula Laser Surgery Cost In Delhi

Surgery for fistula is done at several hospitals in Delhi. But to get the laser treatment for fistula, it is important to choose the right team and set up. A well-equipped clinic with a team of highly experienced and skilled doctors play an important role in successful fistula laser surgery. Not only this, all these should be available at a reasonable price too. Below are certain factors that help you decide the cost of fistula laser surgery in Delhi.

  • Severity of fistula
  • Diagnosis of fistula
  • Medicines before and after the surgery
  • The number of days you stay in the hospital (hospitalization)
  • Availability of experienced surgeons and well-trained medical team
  • Which technology is used to perform surgery (open, banding, stapling or laser)

Usually, the cost of fistula surgery in Delhi may vary between 40,000-70,000 depending upon the clinic, hospital and doctor and the other factors we have mentioned above.

Diagnosis Of Fistula

The doctors usually diagnose fistula by examining the anal region. The doctor may produce drainage from the external opening to determine the depth and direction of the fistula tract. If fistula is not visible on the skin surface, another test like anoscopy is performed. During anoscopy, the doctor sees the inside of the rectum and anus with the help of anoscope. Also, the doctor may recommend MRI or ultrasound to better define the fistula.

Laser Surgery Of Fistula

It is important for you to understand that surgery is the only way to remove fistula for once and all. The treatment of fistula is not possible without surgery. Fistula can be cured with surgery, it is an extremely effective way of treatment and this is the reason laser surgery is gaining popularity everywhere. During the surgical procedure, the surgeon introduced a precise amount of laser energy in the fistula tract through the thin laser probe. After that, the doctor destroys the fistula while leaving the surrounding tissues intact. Once the fistula is destroyed, the laser probe is pulled back closing the tract. This whole procedure takes around 30-40 minutes to complete and the recovery is quick and comfortable.

Untreated Fistula Leads To Life Threatening Diseases

Fistula causes lots of discomforts. Untreated fistula can potentially cause serious complications. Some fistulas can cause bacterial infection, which may turn into sepsis. Sepsis is an extremely dangerous medical condition that can lead to low blood pressure, organ damage and even death. Not only this, fistula is also known as the very rare sign of cancer. Hence, if it is left untreated for a long period of time, it may cause cancer. It can also cause bowel incontinence and an obstetric fistula may develop between the rectum and vaginal cavity in case of complicated vaginal deliveries. Timely and proper treatment of fistula is the only way to avoid serious complications and cure the disease permanently.

Fistula Laser Surgery At Pristyn Care Clinic In Delhi

Pristyn Care cures fistula with laser surgery at their hospitals in Delhi. They have state-of-the-art modern daycare treatment that involves best-in-class surgical equipment. This is USFDA approved painless treatment that offers a seamless surgical experience to you. Apart from offering the best treatment for fistula, Pristyn Care also offers several other services to their patients in Delhi. This includes pick up and drop cab facility, no cost EMI option, complete insurance coverage, clean and big single deluxe room, a Care Buddy to assist throughout the surgical procedure as well as free follow-ups post surgery. Also, the success rate of fistula surgery at Pristyn Care is 99% with 1% chance of recurrence.

Pristyn Care doctors are highly experienced and well skilled. They provide tailored solutions to their patients depending upon their severity and conditions. The advantages of laser surgery for fistula at Pristyn Care clinics in Delhi are the following:-

  • Minimal bleeding
  • Almost bloodless
  • Daycare procedure
  • No restriction on diet
  • Boost your confidence
  • Zero chance of infection
  • Pick up and drop facility
  • Least preparation required
  • Free follow-us post surgery
  • Fewer chances of recurrence
  • Complete insurance coverage
  • Quick and comfortable recovery
  • Lower chances of complications
  • Does not require any medication
  • Short, safe, and successful procedure
  • Complete recovery within a week time
  • Most advanced USFDA laser treatment
  • Diet and exercise guide after treatment
  • Can resume your work within 48 hours
  • Same day treatment and same day discharge

To know more about the treatment cost of fistula in Delhi and other queries, you can contact Pristyn Care now. You can also book an online consultation to talk to their experts.