Business Digital Marketing

What Types Of Social Media Content Can Businesses Post on their Social Channels?

Social Media as we all know is one of the most powerful and useful media of the current generation. Social media is one of that platforms where brands create interactive relations with their potential customers and turn their businesses in brands.

But this is not that easy as it might sound to you. Creating a great social media content is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are many types of social media content which are created nowadays by content creators and copywriters all around the world.

Also posting the right content on the right platform is quite important or else you it can impact in a negative manner for your brand.

Posting about your products and service on Facebook is great and that too with a clickable link but posting about the same on Instagram can never be that beneficial because Instagram posts don’t allow clickable links.

So, in this article, I will cover some answers on – What type of social media content can businesses post on their social channels?

  1.   Graphics Interchange Format (GIFs):

It’s always a good idea to add a human element to your brand as it promotes authenticity, and GIFs are a great way to do that. GIFs can be used by brands in multiple ways.

  • You may use the short 2-5 second loop to showcase an interesting feature of your product in a way that static photos can’t.
  •  You can use GIFs to create step-by-step tutorials, and the infinite loop allows people to watch it as many times as they need to completely understand the instructions.
  • GIFs can be used in informative articles to add some life and vibe and to assist/contrast dull statistics.
  • GIFs can be the perfect bite-sized teaser to build excitement around an upcoming release.
  • Brands on social media stay connected with users by replying to their comments with emojis and short-worded replies. GIFs are a fun way to spruce up your reply game. User-generated content can be reposted with GIFs, to come off as fun!

Animation not just adds charisma to your content but also makes your brand interactive and approachable.

  1.   Feedback from Clients:

Sharing client feedback allows your brand to come across as trustworthy and relevant. Potential customers would feel safer choosing you over your competitors.

People trust other people over brands, and adding in some customer reviews or feedback can make your brand look good, trustworthy and well-appreciated.

While posting customer feedback, remember to keep the message short and avoid quoting more than one line of their review.

You can also use images and videos of great reviews to add to your social media page. Or stick to simply reposting their mentions, screenshots of private messages also work well. Simply quote a portion of the review, and add a link/tag the customer’s personal profile.

Remember to obtain permission from your customers before making the feedback public.

When you repost good feedback, don’t forget to thank the customers by tagging them in the post/story. It is also suggested to respond to both positive and negative feedback equally, but remember to keep it tasteful.

  1.   Podcasts

Podcasting has taken the social media world by storm, especially after the introduction of free podcasts on Spotify. Hence, several businesses today are including podcasts in their social media marketing strategy.

The primary advantage of podcasts is that they provide people with information that can be consumed on-the-go. Many of your potential customers from your target may not have the time or patience to go over a lengthy, detailed article about you.

But podcasting gives them the opportunity to actively listen to the information you are providing, even while they are occupied with something else.

  1. Live videos

Audiences have always been intrigued by the live telecasting of events. It is something that intrigues the human mind, to this very day.

When you take this real-time interaction to social media, you’ll find that it adds an element of authenticity to your content, while attracting customers to be up close and personal with your brand, all while being dynamic and extremely engaging at the same time. Live videos capture attention and allow you to obtain instant feedback.

Even if you are opting to promote a product or service on your live stream, ensure that a majority of the stream focuses on valuable content for your viewers to learn from and connect with so that they can build an honest relationship with the brand.

What you post on your social media directly impacts your customers’ perception of you.

So, try sticking to the aforementioned material and you are good to go!