
A Get To Know More About Brain Tumor


The brain tumor is the growth of abnormal cells in the brain. There are different kinds of a brain tumor which you can come across. Among them, some are non-cancerous in nature while others are cancerous. It may begin from your brain or any other parts of the body. It may also affect the functions of the nervous system. Its treatment can depend upon the type of brain tumor along with size and location.

 Main symptoms of Brain tumor

  1. Headaches which are of different types and pattern. It may also become severe after some time.
  2. Nausea along with vomiting
  3. It may arise vision problems that will cover down blurred vision along with the double vision.
  4. Difficulty in movement of arm or leg
  5. Balance difficulty
  6. Difficulty in speech
  7. Change in behavior of the person
  8. Difficulty in a hearing problems.

There are many institutes that provide the option of brain tumor surgery in India where many patients can take advantage of the same.  It will occur in adults along with children in a different age. The common type of brain tumor which can easily find in an adult will cover down astrocytoma, and in children will cover down medulloblastoma.

Two types of Brain tumors

  • Primary brain tumors- This type of brain tumors can be easily removed and they will not grow again. These types of tumors have border along with edge. They can easily invade tissues around them. One of the best features about these tumors is that they cannot spread to other parts of the body. These types of tumors can easily press on sensitive areas and on the other hand causes some serious problems. It can also turn into cancer.
  1. Malignant brain tumors- It contains cancer cells. They are more serious and are threat to life. They grow rapidly and invade into healthy brain tissue. They can easily spread to other parts of the body.

Different grades in Brain tumors

Grade 1- These cells looks like normal brain cells and they grow very slowly.

Grade 2- These cells will look like normal cells than in the cells of the normal brain.

Grade 3– These cells are different from normal cells and they grows actively in the brain.

Grade 4- These cells will look like abnormal cells and they will tend to grow more quickly in the brain.

It is important to note that cells from low grade tumors look more normal and they will grow slowly than high grade tumors. These low grades tumors can easily become high grade tumors.  Most of the high grade tumors will be seen in adults than in children. These are the different grades in tumors.

Thus we have come across with different types of brain tumor which can easily found in human brain. Apart from that, you will also come across with many health institutions where you will get the best option of best treatment for brain tumor which can save the life of the person at an early or last stage.