
Subtle Ways When The Body “It’s Time To Visit A Doctor

Should I see a doctor? Its the question asked by many. For many people, every cough is a reason to visit a doctor. Despite what we tell ourselves, there are sure signs that indicate visiting a doctor. However, if we feel something unusual for a long, we should not wait until the situation gets worse. As according to the research, whatever situations it might be, early detection can lead to better results.

Here are some telltale signs a body signifies that there is a need to go to a doctor. But, ensure to find the best experience clinic like Medi Cross- who are capable of giving the best treatment to our problems.

Keep in mind, that never to ignore the gut feeling, above this list.

#When fever doesn’t go away

The occasional temperature indicates that our body is functioning correctly. But having a chronic illness is a straight sign to visit a doctor. If we notice the temperature above 103˚ Fahrenheit (39.4˚ Celsius) and lasts more than three days, we visit a doctor. A fever is one way our body fights with infection, ignoring chronic illness, could lead to more severe disease.

#Persistent headaches

According to the research of the World Health Association, approximately one in twenty adults experiences a headache daily. Headaches that are not regular basis are not life-taking, but they are frustrating. Sure headaches can be symptoms of ailments as minor as sleep deprivation, dehydration, or eye strain. But, yes, persistent headaches can also be a sign of traumatic brain injuries, tumors, or any other infection. So always be sure not to ignore persistent problems and do not keep taking pain killers. In fact, without any delay, we must visit a doctor.

#Nagging stomach ache

We all have experienced some discomfort after having over-indulging in fatty foods, but if the pain inside our stomach does not subside, its time to visit a doctor. Stomach infection can be a big problem. Also, it can lead to more severe conditions like cancer.

#We’re short of breath

Obesity, strenuous exercise, high altitude, and extreme temperature are a common cause of shortness of breath. But, if we are not experiencing shortness of breath due to any of these reasons, then it might be a sign of asthma, bronchitis, or any other serious condition. If we ever notice this, we should not wait and head straight towards the doctor.

#When the chest feels tight

Chest pain is not always related to heart attack, but if we are experiencing any discomfort or uneasiness in the chest, it’s time to see a doctor. Chest pain, in addition to heart attacks, can be a sign of angina, coronary artery diseases, pancreatitis, and other severe conditions.

# When we have lost weight suddenly

Losing weight suddenly without any efforts may seem like a dream for many, but when we lose weight without any change in our food habits or workout routine, we must see a doctor. An unexplained weight loss could indicate thyroid, diabetes, depression or liver diseases. As a general thumb rule, if anyone lost more than 10% of weight in the six months (without a strict diet or sweat exercise), it is advisable to make an appointment with our doctor.


Below are just a few signs that give us a signal to make an appointment with a doctor, without any delay. It is always advisable not to overlook any chronic symptoms and try DIY methods of healing. If you feel dizzy, have a cough that won’t go away, have noticed any urination changed- take an appointment. Like always, prevention is better than cure. Remember, to choose the clinic wisely, because it will play a role of catalyst in our healing process. Medi Cross- medical centre in Jimboomba, is the epitome clinic for the best health care service. To know why they are best, visit @Medicross.