
How to Decide Between Multiple Job Offers

As far as first-world problems go, being torn between multiple job offers is possibly one of the best ones to have. A lot of college graduates who are launching their careers right now would do anything to be in this exact predicament. Of course, you’re probably well aware of this, which is why you’ve wisely decided to consult the internet for advice before turning to friends and family.

If you’ve received multiple job offers that are all enticing, then congratulations! You’re obviously an impressive candidate with attractive skills and qualities. But how do you decide which job offer is perfect for you? Below, here are a few tips to help you make the right choice.

  1. Make a decision based on the long-term.

Spoiler alert: Whichever job you ultimately choose almost certainly won’t be your last. According to a longitudinal study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people held 12 jobs on average throughout their careers.

The job you pick today will help you cultivate skills and knowledge that you’ll use to score other jobs later down the road, which is why it’s important to consider how each job could affect your long-term career goals. What does your career path look like and how might each job offer help you get to where you need to be? If both job offers are enticing but one offers more learning opportunities, it may be more beneficial in the long-term to pick the job that provides more for growth.

  1. Look beyond the salary.

With a massive amount of student loan debt potentially hanging over your head, it’s extremely tempting to accept the job that pays the most. However, you’d be making a big mistake if you didn’t also weigh the entire benefits package before accepting a job offer.

For instance, if one employer offers a high salary but no retirement plan, you might want to think twice before accepting the offer. Unless the salary that comes with the job offer is so high that you can add sizable contributions to your own nest egg, you’d likely be better off picking a job with a lower salary and a retirement plan.

Don’t forget that you can negotiate both your salary and benefits — and with multiple job offers on the table, you actually have some leverage in this situation. If you have a preference for one employer, you might consider (tactfully) asking them to match or beat the other job offer.

  1. Assess the company culture.

It only takes one miserable job experience to realize that company culture matters — a lot. Sure, you might make a great wage for someone in your position, but how long can you realistically hang onto a job that makes you feel unhappy and unfilled?

In fact, this is why many companies have cultural fit interviews. Employers know all too well that an unhappy employee already has one foot out the door.

Before you accept a job offer, do your research on the company’s culture. Check out their social media profiles, read their reviews on Glassdoor, and consider how the company’s values align with your own. Is it a company you believe in? Do you get excited at the prospect of working there? If the answer to either question is no, you might want to pass on that particular job offer.

  1. Vet your prospective manager/boss.

One factor that few job candidates weigh — but should — is how well they get along with their hiring manager. According to one study, 57 percent of employees have left a job because of frustrations with their boss.

Your hiring manager or boss will likely have a huge impact on how you feel about work. Needless to say, you want to work for someone who you like and respect.

Think back to your interviews with each hiring manager. What was your initial impression of them? Are they someone you could see yourself working with for the long-term? Ideally, you want to work with someone who inspires you to do better and takes the time to understand you.

  1. Compare daily responsibilities.

When each job offer has its own amazing perks, it can be difficult to figure out which one to accept — especially if you’ve gotten multiple job offers for similar positions within the same industry.

One way to make the decision slightly easier is by comparing the daily responsibilities that are associated with each job. This should give you a better idea of what you’ll be doing each day and, more importantly, whether you’ll be happy in the role.

Take a moment to imagine yourself carrying out the responsibilities that come with each job offer. Which job sounds most appealing to you? Then, imagine doing the same thing while working alongside your hiring manager. Does the job still hold the same level of appeal after you factor in your boss?

  1. Trust your gut.

If you haven’t discussed your multiple job offers with friends and family yet, it’s only a matter of time before you do. And, truthfully, there’s nothing wrong with getting input from outside sources. In fact, they might be able to point out things that could be helpful in your decision-making.

On the other hand, their well-intentioned advice could end up steering you wrong. If there is something inside you that says, “don’t accept this job!” then listen to your gut. Ultimately, this is your life, and you need to make a decision that’s right for you and not anyone else.