
Some Available CBD Oil Products for Pets

CBD oil or cannabidiol is a very potent and beneficial substance that is useful for treating several sicknesses and diseases in humans as well as animals. It is available in many different products and can be used in a variety of ways depending on which product you buy.

Granted, some products are more effective than others but whichever one you purchase, you can rest assured that you will enjoy the benefits that come with using CBD.

Cannabidiol itself is extracted from hemp in different ways such as C02 extraction, solvent and olive oil extraction before it is made into any product. The hemp plant is versatile and useful in many ways. Asides from cannabidiol, it contains other substances like terpenes, essential oils, flavonoids and omega-fatty acids.

CBD oil is safe to use as it contains little or no traces of tetrahydrocannabinol which is popularly known as THC. THC is the substance that is responsible for making a user of cannabis high. Thankfully, hemp from which most CBD oil is extracted can be cultivated to contain little or no traces of the substance making it safe for use.

You can find more information on all these in this article.

How Cannabidiol Benefits Your Pet

Animals much like humans can benefit from using CBD oil. It can either be used in maintaining their health and wellbeing or it can be used for treating most sicknesses that they may experience. It is not uncommon to see cannabidiol products that are specifically designed for a species of animal and pets such as dogs, cats, horses, etc.

This is because it can be used to treat both specie-specific diseases as well as a broad range of common diseases that can plague animals generally. Some common ailments it can be used for include:

  • Pain and inflammation
  • Cancer
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures and epilepsy
  • Allergies and skin issues

Specie specific ailments such as canine distemper and canine hepatitis in dogs, brucellosis and equine infectious anemia in horses, or ringworm in cats, etc. can as well be treated using cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol works by interacting directly with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is a system in the body. The ECS controls most functions in the body and ensures that they are working properly. To do this, the system produces natural cannabinoids.

When the mechanism of the ECS is disrupted for any reason and it is not producing enough cannabinoids, CBD can be administered to help restore its proper functioning. This is what makes CBD oil and its other numerous products quite effective. You can learn more about the ECS here

Available CBD Products

CBD oil

This is the flagship product of most CBD companies. It is usually contained in tincture bottles and quite easy to administer. The best part is that it is probably the best way to take cannabidiol as your pet will enjoy the full range of benefits of the substance. This is coupled with the fact that you will begin to notice its effects almost immediately after use.

CBD oil is administered sublingually by putting 2-3 drops underneath your pet’s tongue. It may also be used as part of its food or drink.

Capsules, Pills and Treats

These products are solid in appearance. They are ingested by your pet and the digestive system of the animal breaks them down before the benefits can be obtained. In this way, some of the potency is lost although your animal still gets to enjoy its benefits. To use pill and capsules, you just place it on your pet’s tongue. For treats, you can serve it on their plate much like you would food. It serves as a snack and an alternative to food.

Sprays, Balms, Rubs and Shampoos

These types of products are used topically by applying directly to the skin of an animal. They are useful for treating allergies and any skin issue. They can also be used to relieve pain and inflammation.

How to Buy CBD Products

CBD can be purchased from online stores like Holistapet and animal care shops. Beware of fake or low-quality products. Insist on a product that is natural and organic. Check the labeling to ascertain there are no additives because this may cause harm to your pet.

If you are still in doubt as to the quality, you can request a certificate of analysis (COA) of the product. A reputable retailer will be able to provide this.


Animals are crucial in the daily activities of humans as they serve different purposes. The onus is on you as a pet parent or owner to ensure their health and wellbeing. Cannabidiol makes it easy for you. By administering it, you are sure to have healthy animals that will serve whichever purpose they are meant for.