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The Perfect Starter Kit to Starting Your YouTube Channel

Many may find the process of starting a YouTube channel to be as daunting and tedious as trying to establish and launch an online casino. This is far from accurate, and with this beginner’s guide, we will take you on a simplified journey to let you in on what you need to start your YouTube channel, no matter the niche. 

With these basic equipment necessities, you’ll be well on your way to building a solid subscription network offering your viewers the highest quality experience thanks to the best tools around. So if you’re looking for an affordable list of what you should get, look no further. 


YouTube is a highly competitive space accommodating thousands of YouTubers looking to get their break and generate revenue from this. For this reason, content alone isn’t enough to guarantee you a high spot on the highest-ranking suggestions on the platform. An equal effort needs to be put in with your production, visuals, and aesthetics to leave viewers feeling captivated and entertained by your work. 

By using the right equipment, you can offer your content using high-quality visuals and sound with the help of affordable tools you can get. And since you’re starting out as a beginner, your job is to sell your viewers within an instant by every little unique detail of your video to keep them coming back for more. 

Your Go-To Equipment


The first step to blowing your viewers away is to use a high-quality camera. If you can afford it, your first shot can be with a DSLR camera; however, if you’re rolling on a tight budget, you can 

opt for video cameras offering 1080p quality. Even your webcam and mobile phone can provide some high-quality graphics if you happen to be using the more recent releases. 

In addition to improving the quality of your video content, you might want to consider investing in good editing software as well. This will help further structure and define your content for the best experience possible. 

An External Microphone

After providing the best video quality, your sound is the next best tool to look into. You want your viewers to hear you clearly, and to accomplish this, and a good quality microphone will help. In addition to ensuring that you’re in a quiet space to film your content, excellent audio quality helps to keep your viewers well aware of what you’re saying, showing, and demonstrating. 

External microphone brands you could definitely consider options like Heil, Samson, Technica, and Logitech. 

Soft Boxes

Aesthetics is another component you should look into when filming for your channel. To avoid a busy ambiance, you can opt for softboxes as an inexpensive option to consider to enhance the look of your videos. 

A Camera Remote

Setting up your camera can prove to be a rather daunting process at times. For a more convenient experience, you can purchase a camera remote that will help you adjust your camera settings accordingly as you record your video. 

A Tripod Stabilizer

As you film your content, you want to ensure that you’ve stabilized your video camera, whether you’re seated in one position or on the go by vlogging. A tripod can do enough to solve your problem inexpensively to avoid cutting out unstable content while editing. 

Editing Software

To put your piece together, you need to put your content through audio and video editing to ensure that every video detail comes out precisely the way you want. Should you wish to invest in some worthwhile editing software, you can opt for:

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Wondershare Filmora
  • Sony Vegas
  • Final Cut


Once your video is ready to be put online, you should consider getting TubeBuddy to help you out with the SEO tools needed to put your content out there in the best way possible. Should you not have the budget for it at first, you can try the free version. But once your finances pick up, you can subscribe to the payment play option. 

In Conclusion

With the equipment mentioned above, you can definitely be well on your way to setting your YouTube channel up the right way. Remember always to put your best foot forward, and we wish you all the best with your channel!