
Different Ways to Enjoy Almonds as Healthy Snacks

Snacking time is one of the most vulnerable times of the day. While you may crave for a pack of crunchy fries or cookies to whet your appetite, this is your ultimate moment to choose healthier alternatives that are also delicious.

Many nutritionists recommend eating a healthy snack between meals to help maintain your metabolism. It is believed that nuts are a great snacking option to douse hunger pangs. Nuts have undoubtedly earned a reputation as superfoods, and one of the most popular nuts is almonds.

We’ve seen how parents chased us in the morning to eat soaked almonds, haven’t we? Little do we, this crunchy temptation has many health benefits. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, almonds promote good heart and brain health.

Apart from being high in protein, almonds are also rich in tryptophan, a hormone that has a calming effect on the brain, which helps you sleep better. The low glycemic index in almonds makes them an ideal snack option for diabetics.

Almonds Are Versatile Nuts

Almonds are not only known for their powerful health benefits; they are also known to be versatile. They can make weight loss easier due to its fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on your digestive health. Apart from preventing constipation, insoluble fiber also acts as a probiotic to increase gut flora. 

When preparing tasty almond snack packs, don’t overeat them. A handful of almonds is sufficient. Here are different ways to enjoy almonds.

Healthy Almond Snacks

If you feel hungry between meals, satisfying your craving with almonds is a wise choice. Almonds not only provide a lot of nutrients but also give you energy and nourish your appetite until your next meal. Nuts have healthy fat, and almonds in particular are packed with vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin B2, calcium, and protein.

This little nut can lower bad cholesterol, benefit your heart health, and fight the signs of aging. Since almonds satiate your appetite for a longer time, they can also help control your weight. However, don’t go overboard while consuming almonds as they are high in calories. When eating almonds for a healthy snack, remember that a little is enough. Try the following options:

  1. 100-calorie munch packs: Several companies offer 100-calorie almond snack packs. This ensures that you are consuming the right amount of almonds for health benefits along with satisfying intermittent hunger, but not so much that you neglect your weight loss efforts.

If you are going to buy a large bag of nuts, be sure to count your almonds so you don’t overeat. Try to keep your number between 10 and 20, and remember that there are about 80 calories (60 calories from fat) in 12 almonds.

  1. Flavored almonds: While natural and raw almonds are the smartest choices for snacking, it’s sometimes fun to tweak them and try out different varieties and flavors. There are many flavors you can enjoy:
    • Dry roasted almonds
    • Smoked almonds
    • Lemon almonds
    • Almonds with cinnamon
    • Black truffle almonds

  1. Chocolate-coated almonds: Yes, chocolate-coated almonds can be considered a healthy treat as long as it’s dark chocolate and rich in antioxidants. You can even make chocolate-coated almonds at home by melting dark chocolate in two broilers, dipping the nuts, and letting them cool in the refrigerator. Make a batch of dark chocolate and almond clusters and store them for quick and easy munching.
  1. Trail mixes: Trail mixes make a healthy snack, especially the one with almonds. Make sure the dried fruit in your mix doesn’t contain unnecessary sugar. And if there’s chocolate in your mix, it should obviously be dark. Trail Mix should be seen as a treat, not as a meal. Like other healthy almond snacks, it should be consumed in very moderate amounts. Try to limit yourself to trail mixes containing 140 calories.
  1. Almond butte: Almond butter is a healthy, tasty, and unique alternative to peanut butter, and it’s slowly gaining popularity. Make sure to treat yourself to natural almond butter which doesn’t contain added sugar. Spread it on apple slices or oatmeal crackers or simply enjoy a spoonful straight from the jar.


If you’re trying to keep fit and healthy, deciding on a meal plan becomes essential so that you can follow through with your diet. While following a regular meal schedule, occasional snacking is also necessary to stay fit and healthy in the long run. 

The health benefits of almonds include lowering blood sugar levels, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger pangs and promote weight loss.

Highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, almonds are great for some intermittent snacking.